Name: Mikhail S. Tarkington, aka, "M-star"

Age: 26

Computer: Dell Latitude LT (borrowed)

Favorite Food: Homemade pizza, Nutella 

Skills:  Astrologer, Chef, Lockpicking, Network Security, 
	 Herbs and Potions, Tenor Saxophone

Quote: "Phear my n1nja sk1llz"


It can never be said that mstar is not a person who knows 
how to get things done.  Unfortunately, "getting things done" 
usually involves a very large hammer, a crowbar and lots 
of swearing.  

He takes this approach to computer security, and has already downloaded
10,000+ skripts and toolz from packetstorm to prepare for this road trip.

mstar's goal on this trip is to have fun and see the West Coast.