Tony's art project
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Segue:  You were driving the coolest car that I have ever seen!  

I love you!  Will you marry me?

email webmaster@g-cipher.net!!
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This was the largest computer bush that I have ever seen.

It was growing wild in someone's backyard that we wandered through.
Locked iron bars.   They were hardly a nuisance to the G-cipher
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Ramdom pictures from the S.P.A.Z. Portal
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The previous six pictures are part of a piece I'm doing called 
"Tomatoes on stove"
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And some shots from the roof of the building..
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More shots.. from the roof..  snapping random shit..  sometimes
I get some really cool pictures, other times total garbage.  I'll 
let you be the judge.

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A sequence of Bill throwing a Clif Bar at my head.
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Ramdom stuff on the roof..  
These were on the roof also.. if you can guess what they are, you 
win a prize.

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Tony's room has a plexiglass sphere comprising part of the wall.
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More random pictures of the inside of the warehouse..  

And the last shot is the electric panel that I installed.

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