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The van breaks down and a strange man is seen looking at us from the top 
of a mountain nearby.

Sunlight is fading as we travel along the Lewis & Clark trail.

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"Captain's log - Stardate 10/24/03:  Wire going from wrong side of fuse to 
blower motor that provides heat starts a small fire."

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We make it to Spokane in time for the LPFM Barnraising.  Thin Air 
Community radio 95.3 FM for their LPFM liscence from the FCC and had a 
party and workshops.

These pics are from the "Intro to Radio" Workshop.

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Trying to pick up a signal from the rooftop.


This DeeJay thought the cameraman was a Federal Agent.

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So, I got really drunk the night before this, and I decided to take a 
walk around town to clear my head.

After going to CompUsa to buy a CardReader for my camera, I took the 
scenic route back through the park..

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Pictures of stuff that I ran across on my wanderings around town. 

I tried to read the sign that said what park it was, but it was too much 
for my bloodshot eyes.

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